Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lesson One: Back to Basics- Very Basic!

Well I had my first lesson! According to Pat it is alway and all about six basic rules:
1) Line Drawing

2) Local Tone

3) Fore Shadow - where light can not go

4) Cast Shadow

5) Cutting Line

6) High light

With these rules in hand we drew cubes, spheres, columns, retangles and cones with a pinch of basic trees.
It was fun, but I may have enjoyed it more if I was feeling bad. But there was no way I was going to miss my first lesson! so on the way home - homework in hand, I called the doctor. I spent two hours in after hours Urgent Care to find out that I likely have Kidney Stone(s).
So, tomorrow I will go get my supply of brushes and watercolors and then start on my homework - more practice with light and shadow.


  1. I know Chan is looking down and smiling. She was so happy when someone did something like this. I still have the little rose she helped us make with white bread and glue...LOL. I was so proud of it.

    Keep at it, we need more V and C art..


  2. Sorry you're not feeling good, but those sketches look pretty cool. Will you share some pictures of your homework with us? This is such a neat thing you're doing ... thanks for sharing.
