Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lesson 4: More Perspective

Sorry for the delay. This past weekend we worked some more on perspective. My homework for this week is to create a landscape which includes distant mountains and a landscape focusing on the rules of perspective. Pat asked that I include rocks either in piles or in a rough stone wall, which displays how they would look running off toward a vanishing point. This is to be done using either diluted India ink, or black watercolor.

She gave me a bunch of pictures from magazines - both photographs and artwork - which show lots of walls and rocks, to give me ideas.

It is already Tuesday night and I haven't done a thing! I need to get to the store tomorrow and get some watercolor paper and start something!

I have decided not to take two lessons per week until at least after going to San Diego. I just can't focus enough these days, to have homework twice per week! Maybe I should start chanting: Craggy rocks -light and shadow -picture planes - now paint! Craggy rocks -light and shadow -picture planes - now paint! Craggy rocks....

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